Different Pilot Ranks and Uniform Stripes | 2025 Updated
You’ve seen pilots in the airports. Have you ever noticed that their uniforms have different symbols on them? And have you ever wondered what those symbols mean? What do pilot ranks, epaulets, and stripes mean? If you want to know, then this blog post is for you!
In this blog post, we will explore the meanings of these symbols and discuss how they are used in the aviation industry. Epaulets are shoulder decorations that indicate a pilot’s rank. Stripes on pilot uniforms usually indicate years of service.
Pilot ranks can vary from country to country, so it is important to understand the system that is used in your area. We will take a closer look at each of these symbols and explain their meanings in detail. Stay tuned for more information!
Table of Contents
What Do The Stripes On The Pilot’s Uniform Mean?

The stripes on a pilot’s uniform usually indicate years of service. This is a way for others to quickly and easily identify how experienced a pilot is. In some cases, the number of stripes may also correspond to the pilot’s rank. For example, a first officer may have three stripes, while a captain may have four stripes.
Additionally, the location of the stripes can also be significant. For example, pilot stripes are typically worn on the upper sleeve of the uniform shirt. First officers usually wear their stripes on the lower sleeve, while captains typically wear theirs on the epaulet.
The epaulet is defined as a shoulder decoration, which we will discuss in more detail later on. So, to summarize, pilot stripes indicate years of service and can also be used to identify the pilot’s rank.
Pilot ranks can vary from country to country, so it is important to understand the system that is used in your area. For example, in the United States, pilot ranks typically go in the following order: student pilot, private pilot, commercial pilot, and airline transport pilot.
In Canada, the pilot ranks are a bit different: student pilot, private pilot, commercial pilot, and airline captain. As you can see, it is important to know the system used in your area to identify a pilot’s rank correctly.
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Indication of 4 Stripes on the Uniform
In the United States, a captain is typically indicated by four stripes on the uniform. This is usually worn on the epaulet, which we will discuss in more detail later. The captain is the pilot in charge of an aircraft and is responsible for its safe operation.
The captain is easily identifiable by their uniform and their rank. In most cases, the captain will be the pilot with the most experience on board the aircraft. In some cases, the captain may also have a higher pilot ranking than the first officer.
The job of the captain is to oversee the operation of the aircraft and to make sure that it is safe. The captain is also responsible for making sure that the crew follows all safety procedures.
In addition to these responsibilities, the captain may also be responsible for other tasks, such as maintaining communication with air traffic control, handling customer service issues, and managing the flight schedule.
As you can see, the captain is a very important flight crew member. They are responsible for the safety of the aircraft and its passengers. Next time you’re on a flight, take a look at the pilot’s uniform and see if you can spot the captain!
Indication of 3 Stripes on the Uniform
An indication of three stripes on the uniform typically means that the pilot is a first officer. The first officer is the second in command of an aircraft and is responsible for assisting the captain with the operation of the aircraft.
The first officer is usually seated in the cockpit’s right seat, while the captain is seated in the left seat. The first officer is responsible for flying the aircraft, monitoring the instruments, and communicating with air traffic control. In some cases, the first officer may also be responsible for other tasks such as customer service, flight schedules, and handling baggage.
The first officer is a vital member of the flight crew and plays an important role in ensuring the safety of the aircraft. Next time you’re on a flight, take a look at the pilot’s uniform and see if you can spot the first officer!
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Indication of 2 stripes on the uniform
An indication of two stripes on the uniform typically means that the pilot is a second officer. The second officer is the third in command of an aircraft and is responsible for assisting the captain and first officer with the operation of the aircraft.
The second officer is also responsible for monitoring the aircraft systems and assisting the captain and first officer with navigation. He is junior to the first officer because he has less experience. It can also mean a cadet pilot, which is someone who is training to be a pilot.
Indication of 1 stripe on the uniform
Although rare, you may see a pilot with only one stripe on their uniform. This is typically an indication that the pilot is a flight attendant, cabin staff, or operational staff. This can also be given to the head purser, a cabin crew member responsible for coordinating activities in the cabin.
What Is Epaulet?

The epaulet is a strip of cloth worn on a uniform’s shoulder. It is used to indicate the rank or position of the person wearing it.
Pilots typically have two epaulets, one on each shoulder. The epaulet on the left shoulder indicates the pilot’s rank, and the epaulet on the right shoulder indicates the pilot’s position.
The epaulet is usually made of cloth or leather and has a metal rank badge attached to it. The badge is usually in the form of a bar with stripes, which indicates the pilot’s rank, or a wing, which indicates the pilot’s position.
Pilot Ranks and Their Responsibilities

The pilot’s rank is typically displayed on their epaulets, which are small shoulder pads that are worn on a shirt or jacket. The pilot’s rank is also usually displayed on their stripes. The different ranks are as follows:
The captain is the pilot in command of the aircraft and is responsible for the safety of the passengers and crew. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has provided a comprehensive list of the captain’s responsibilities and roles. They include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Preflight planning and briefing
- In-flight decision making
- Enforcing company policies and procedures
- Landing the aircraft safely
Besides this, the captain also decides the amount of fuel to be carried, the route to be flown, and the altitude at which the aircraft will cruise. It is also to note that the pilot is legally responsible for the aircraft, even when they are not flying it.
First Officer
The first officer is the pilot, who sits in the cockpit’s right seat and is responsible for flying the aircraft, while the captain sits in the left seat and monitors the instruments. The first officer is sometimes referred to as the copilot or second in command. The first officer’s responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Assisting the captain in flying the aircraft
- Monitoring the instruments and systems
- Communicating with air traffic control
- Making announcements to passengers
- Preparing the aircraft for landing
Additionally, the FAA also states that in case the pilot is incapacitated, the first officer shall take over the duties of the pilot in command. The first officer typically has less experience than the captain and is still working towards becoming a captain. The first officer may be promoted to captain after several years of flying experience and successfully completing a Captain Upgrade program.
Second officer
The role of the second officer is to be the pilot flying (PF) when the captain is not and also to be the navigator. The second officer is also responsible for communication with air traffic control and monitoring the instruments.
What Is The Maximum Number of Stripes a Pilot Can Have?
A pilot can have a maximum of four stripes. The number of stripes corresponds to the pilot’s rank. A first officer has two stripes, a captain has three stripes, and a senior captain has four stripes.
What is the difference between epaulets and pilots’ stripes?
Epaulets are worn by all cabin crew members, regardless of rank. Pilots’ stripes are only worn by pilots and indicate the pilot’s rank.
What is the difference between a first officer and a second officer?
A first officer is a pilot who has been promoted to a higher rank than the second officer but is not the highest-ranked pilot in the airline. A second officer is a pilot who has been promoted to the lowest rank in the airline.
This article attempted to give you an idea about pilot ranks, epaulets, and stripes. It also listed simple but crucial differences between a first officer and a second officer, a captain and a senior captain, and between a pilot and a copilot. We hope this article was helpful. Thanks for reading!