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Una persona daltonica può diventare un pilota? (Aggiornato al 2024)

A cura di: Richard J. Gross
Aggiornato il: Gennaio 7, 2023

People who are color blind may have trouble seeing some colors, or they may not be able to see any colors at all. There are different types and degrees of color blindness, which can affect people differently.

Despite these challenges, many people with color blindness lead successful lives, including careers in aviation. While color blindness can be a limitation in some aspects of flying, there are ways to work around it, and many people with this condition can become excellent pilots.

In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the ways that color blindness can impact flying and how pilots with this condition can still excel in their chosen careers.

What is Colour Blindness?

Can a Color Blind Person Become a Pilot

Color blindness, also called color vision deficiency, is a medical condition where people have difficulty seeing certain colors or are unable to see any colors at all. An abnormality causes it in the way that the eye perceives colors.

It is a relatively common condition, affecting about 1 in 12 men and 1 in 200 women worldwide.

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Types of Colour Blindness

Can a Color Blind Person Become a Pilot

There are two main types of color blindness: congenital color blindness and acquired color blindness.

Congenital color blindness

It is a condition that is present from birth. An abnormality causes it in the way that the eye perceives colors.

There are two main types of congenital color blindness: complete color blindness and incomplete color blindness.

Complete color blindness

It is a condition where people are unable to see any colors at all.

People with this condition are often unable to distinguish between different shades of colors, and they may have difficulty seeing objects that are colored.

Incomplete color blindness

It is a condition where people have difficulty seeing certain colors.

People with this condition often have trouble distinguishing between different shades of the colors they can’t see.

Acquired color blindness

It is a condition that develops later in life, usually as a result of an injury or disease. Certain medications or chemicals can also cause it. It is much less common than congenital color blindness.

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How Does Colour Blindness Affect Flying?

Can a Color Blind Person Become a Pilot

Color blindness can be a limitation in some aspects of flying, but there are ways to work around it, and many people with this condition can become excellent pilots.

One of the most important things for a pilot is to be able to read instruments and gauges in the cockpit. Most of these are color-coded, so pilots need to be able to see all of the colors.

Some people with color blindness may have trouble seeing certain colors, while others may not be able to see any colors at all. This can make it difficult for pilots to read instruments and gauges in the cockpit.

However, there are ways to work around this limitation.

  • For example, some color-blind people may be able to see colors if they wear special glasses or contact lenses.
  • Another option is to use high-contrast color schemes in the cockpit, which can make it easier for pilots with color blindness to read instruments and gauges.
  • In addition to reading instruments and gauges, pilots also need to be able to see other aircraft in the air. This is especially important when flying in formation or when landing at an airport. Aircraft are usually painted in bright colors so that they are easier to see.

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FAA’s method for Assessing Color Vision

Can a Color Blind Person Become a Pilot

The FAA has a few different procedures for color vision testing, depending on the type of aircraft that a person wants to fly. For example, private pilots who want to fly an airplane or a helicopter must take a vision test called the “Farnsworth lantern test.”

This test uses a special lantern that shows different colors; the pilot must correctly identify the colors to pass.

Pilots who want to fly a commercial airplane or helicopter must take a different vision test called the “litmus test.” This test uses a machine that shows different colors; the pilot must correctly identify the colors to pass.

Il FAA also has a special procedure for people of color who want to become pilots. This procedure is called the “Pilots of Color Vision Test.” To take this test, pilots must go to an FAA-approved vision specialist and have their color vision tested.

Suppose a pilot does not pass the color vision test. In that case, they may still be able to fly if they can show that they can safely operate an aircraft using other means, such as special glasses or contact lenses, or by using a computerized system in the cockpit.

People with color blindness can become successful pilots if they get the proper training and accommodations. There are many successful pilots with this condition, and they play an important role in the aviation industry.

1. Operational Color Vision Test (OCVT) DAY

The Operational Color Vision Test (OCVT) DAY is an examination to determine if you can see the colors necessary for safe flying during the daytime. The test consists of 24 multiple-choice questions, each with four colored slides. You will have two minutes to answer each question.

2. Color Vision Medical Flight Test (CVMFT)

The Color Vision Medical Flight Test (CVMFT) examines whether you can see the colors necessary for safe flying during the daytime and at night.

3. Operation Color Vision Test (OCVT) NIGHT

The Operational Color Vision Test (OCVT) NIGHT is an examination to determine if you can see the colors necessary for safe flying at night.


Color blindness can be challenging for people who want to become pilots, but it is not an insurmountable obstacle. There are many successful pilots with this condition, and with the proper training and accommodations, people with color blindness can safely fly aircraft.

The FAA has several procedures in place to ensure that people with this condition can become pilots.

If you have any more questions about color blindness and aviation, don’t hesitate to get in touch with an FAA-approved vision specialist. They will be able to help you determine if you are eligible to become a pilot.

Richard J. Gross

Salve, mi chiamo Richard J. Gross e sono un pilota di Airbus a tempo pieno e proprietario di un'attività commerciale con i droni. Sono entrato nel mondo dei droni nel 2015, quando ho iniziato a fare fotografie aeree per le società immobiliari. All'epoca non avevo idea in cosa mi stessi cacciando, ma è emerso che la polizia mi ha chiamato poco dopo aver iniziato a volare. Non volevano che facessi volare il mio drone vicino alle persone, così mi hanno chiesto di venire a formare i loro agenti sulle regole e i regolamenti dei droni. Dopo di che ho deciso di avviare la mia attività con i droni e di insegnare ad altri l'uso sicuro e responsabile dei droni.

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