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Alle Drohnengesetze in Ungarn (aktualisiert 2024)

von: Richard J. Gross
Aktualisiert am: 30. Dezember 2022

Drones are becoming an increasingly popular sight in the skies of Hungary, with the technology being adopted for a variety of different uses. From agricultural to military operations, these unmanned flying machines efficiently monitor and respond to changes on the ground and in the atmosphere.

Drone Laws in Hungary

As a result, they are rapidly becoming a part of aviation in Hungary, making it easier than ever before to get aerial data or take stunning footage.

Hungary has become the go-to destination for technological development and innovation in Europe. But with this ever-growing popularity, there have been more reports of drone usage around the country.

Unless you work in Hungary’s aeronautical industry, chances are you don’t really know what laws are in place regarding drones. Fortunately, regulations on drones have recently become clearer!

In this article, we will take a comprehensive look at drone laws in Hungary and outline what legal requirements must be met to fly safely throughout the country.

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General Drone Rules in Hungary (2024)

Drone operators in Hungary must register their drones and follow the regulations that come with them. Once registered, pilots need to abide by a set of rules for safe flying operations.

Drone Laws in Hungary
  • Drones in the Open category can soar up to a maximum of 50 meters (170 feet) above ground or sea level, while drones classified as Specific may ascend to heights of 120 meters (400 feet). Furthermore, The Department of Civil Aviation offers exceptions for certain operators within a specific category.
  • Visual contact with the drone must always be maintained, and it should not fly further than 500 meters away.
  • Steer clear of flying over densely populated or residential areas to keep the peace and safety.
  • To ensure the safety of those living in residential areas, establish a one-kilometer safety perimeter.
  • Unless consent is granted, a 500-meter perimeter of safety must be maintained from isolated dwellings, individual people and animals, automobiles or other vehicles, as well as structures.
  • To ensure your safety, it is recommended to keep a distance of at least eight (8) kilometers from airports and three (3) kilometers away from heliports when flying.
  • Nachts mit einer Drohne fliegen ist strengstens verboten.
  • It is prohibited to fly above, within, or close to any military posts, public power facilities, ancient places of interest, and all private or government buildings.

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Registrierung als Drohnenpilot

It is mandated in the European Union Regulation (EU) 2019/947 that registration is essential for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) operators, not necessarily UAS.

Being a Remote Pilot or UAS Pilot, which are synonymous terms, refers to the person behind actual flight controls who bears full accountability for safety during operations.

The individual or organization carrying out oversight and delivering instructions belongs to the UAS Operator category. The individual or legal organization will take on all the liabilities of managing their drones.

A lot of times, in OPEN classifications and as an individual user, there is no distinction between a Pilot and an Operator; they are one and the same.

  • In order to be an operator in the Kategorie OPEN, registration is mandatory for all unmanned aerial systems that have a mass of 250 g or more. Furthermore, any UAS with a mass less than 250 g must also register if it can operate at speeds over 90km/h and is equipped with either a camera or microphone.
  • For operators falling under the SPEZIFISCHE Kategorie, registration is absolutely mandatory.
  • Legally established entities must register themselves in the country where their primary headquarters is located, and it’s impossible to complete registration in multiple Member States simultaneously.

Rules for the Recreational Use of Drones

To ensure everyone’s safety and consent, you must abide by the following rules:

Drone Laws in Hungary
  • Maintain a safe distance from people and property
  • Do not fly at night or over private property without permission
  • Operate only in unpopulated areas away from industrial sites and urban zones
  • Stay below 100 meters of altitude to avoid obstructing other aircraft
  • Never endanger anyone’s life while operating your drone.

Rules for Commercial Use of Drones in Hungary

To operate a Drohne kommerziell nutzen, you must:

Drone Laws in Hungary
  • Acquire a license and apply for the corresponding permit to fly. Typically within 21 working days of submitting an individual assessment, authorizations are granted.
  • You should also invest in insurance coverage which can provide up to one million euros in loss protection.
  • It is essential that drones are not operated solely by manual controls, nor do they attempt to obstruct manned aircraft or move into restricted areas.

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Operationskategorien in der Europäischen Union

When flying a drone in the European Union, there are four distinct categories to be aware of – each with its own set of laws and regulations.

Drone Laws in Hungary

Offene Kategorie

If you have a drone that weighs 25kg or less and isn’t used for commercial gain, you don’t need a special permit to fly it. Referred to as open-category drones, these aircraft must still abide by the essential safety standards set forth by EASA in order to be flown legally.

Open-category drones are quickly becoming a must-have in the European Union, as they offer numerous advantages. Not only are these drones economical and convenient to operate, but they can also be employed for leisure activities or commercial purposes.

Unmanned drones are not only easier to pilot than other aircraft systems, but they also have the potential to revolutionize aviation and transport. Despite some of the obstacles that come with their usage in Europe, it is evident that these aerial vehicles will be an integral part of our transportation future.

Besondere Kategorie

Unlike the open category, a specific-category drone’s functionality is limited, and not all commercial activities are possible without explicit permission. For instance, one must request consent to take photos or videos of people with their machine.

Thus it would be wise to consult EASA before using your specific-category UAV, as there may be additional restrictions you’re unaware of that accompany its operation.

A drone that needs explicit permission to take flight falls within the specific category, weighing between 25kg and 150kg. Lowest Price Drones states that these drones are only intended for commercial use; thus, if you wish to fly one of them, first obtain a permit through EASA.

Zertifizierte Kategorie

A certified category drone has been granted safety approval by the EASA, or European Union’s aviation regulator. Depending on the Art der Drohne and its weight, various certification programs are available for those who wish to operate it.

Any unmanned aircraft weighing more than 150kg is categorized as a certified category and requires you to obtain an official permit from the EASA in order to use it commercially.

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Hungary’s General Directorate for Air Transport (GDAT)

Hungary’s General Directorate for Air Transport (GDAT) is the national civil aviation authority responsible for providing and maintaining a safe environment for air navigation.

GDAT plays a key role in regulating unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) systems, better known as drones, by setting the laws under which businesses and private citizens use them.

Drones can be used to perform a variety of tasks such as delivering goods, recording video, or taking pictures—all at a fraction of the cost of traditional methods.

GDAT ensures these activities are conducted responsibly while upholding air safety standards that help guard against collisions with manned aircraft.

With its staff of experts and dedication to upholding high safety standards and regulations, it’s no wonder Hungary has become a leader in managing drones within its airspace.

Die Agentur der Europäischen Union für Flugsicherheit (EASA)

The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) is a body within the European Union tasked with air safety. EASA oversees safety procedures for aircraft, licensed personnel, and airports in all thirty-one countries that are members of the European Union.

Drone Laws in Hungary

In recent years, its mandate has also extended to drones and other unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) as UAV operation becomes increasingly popular among aviation enthusiasts and commercial businesses alike.

In order to ensure safety standards for drone flight, EASA implements regulations for both the security of vulnerable infrastructure and the well-being of people on the ground.

Moreover, it works directly with professionals in the industry to increase training requirements in Europe. With these efforts, EASA is ensuring a safe future for aviation across Europe.

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No Drone Zones in Hungary

No Drone zones are areas where the use of unmanned aerial or drone vehicles is restricted. Hungary has implemented and popularized this concept, pioneering the ban of drones in certain locations for safety reasons.

Drone Laws in Hungary

Popular no-drone zones usually feature densely populated urban environments, international airport flight paths, high-level government and military sites, and other important protected areas such as sporting events and natural preserves.

Hungary’s no drone zone initiatives typically require prior authorization from Hungary’s Ministry of Agriculture in order to fly drones in these restricted areas – a measure designed to ensure civil aviation safety standards are met.

Being Aware of No Drone Zones

The GDAT is responsible for providing information on No Drone Zone locations in Hungary. One can refer to the online maps or contact the GDAT directly for more detailed information regarding areas where drone flights are regulated or restricted.

Additionally, individuals must abide by all rules and regulations set forth by EASA when operating any unmanned aircraft within EU airspace. Furthermore, it is advised to check with local authorities prior to flying a drone in order to verify if you are allowed to fly in that particular area.

This precautionary measure helps ensure safety standards are maintained and respected for all aerial operations.

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Penalties for Breaking The Drone Laws in Hungary

The GDAT takes the breach of regulations very seriously, and those found guilty of violating drone safety protocols can be fined.

Drone Laws in Hungary

Unauthorized drone flights can be categorized into three misdemeanor tiers, with potential fines ranging from zero to 300,000 euros.

Some of the laws passed in June are intended to bring normalization to the assessment of penalties. For instance, if a drone pilot jeopardizes another person’s life or safety, they may also face criminal repercussions.


Are drones legal in Hungary?

With the growing popularity of drones, Hungary has welcomed technology as a legal activity available to everyone. Drones can be utilized for recreational activities, photography, and even delivery services.

Do I need special permission to fly a drone for commercial purposes?

However, for commercial usage of taking photos or videos with a drone, explicit permission from EASA is required.

How much does Drone Insurance cost?

The amount of coverage for your drone depends on its weight. If your drone weighs less than 2 kilograms, you’ll need a 10,000 euro insurance cover; if it’s between 2 and 10 kgs in size, then the coverage should be 17,000 euros; anything above that requires 33,000 euros worth of protection.


Using a drone is an exciting experience, and it can be a great way to explore the world around us. It does come with some risks, though, that need to be managed in order to ensure everyone’s safety.

This means following all applicable laws and regulations, registering your drone, investing in insurance coverage, and maintaining vigilance when flying. By adhering to these guidelines, you can ensure that your drone experiences are safe and enjoyable for all involved. 

By being responsible operators of unmanned aircraft systems, we can help promote the incredible potential of drones while keeping ourselves, our fellow citizens, and our environment safe from harm. Hope you found this article helpful. Please don’t hesitate to comment and share with your friends.

Richard J. Gross

Hallo, mein Name ist Richard J. Gross und ich bin Vollzeit-Airbus-Pilot und Inhaber eines kommerziellen Drohnengeschäfts. Ich habe 2015 mit Drohnen angefangen, als ich anfing, Luftaufnahmen für Immobilienunternehmen zu machen. Damals hatte ich keine Ahnung, worauf ich mich einließ, aber es stellte sich heraus, dass die Polizei auf mich aufmerksam wurde, kurz nachdem ich mit dem Fliegen begonnen hatte. Sie wollten nicht, dass ich mit meiner Drohne in der Nähe von Menschen fliege, also baten sie mich, ihre Beamten in den Regeln und Vorschriften für Drohnen zu schulen. Daraufhin beschloss ich, mein eigenes Drohnenunternehmen zu gründen und andere über den sicheren und verantwortungsvollen Umgang mit Drohnen zu unterrichten.

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